Monthly Archives: November 2020


As the name suggests, a vibrator gives you good vibes, all pun intended. It is a battery-powered, rechargeable, or cordless sex toy that vibrates to stimulate the genitals during massage, foreplay or intercourse.

Vibrators for women can be used to stimulate their erotic zones in various ways. Vibrators can be used internally to stimulate the inner labia or the clitoris. At the same time, one can also use it around one’s anus or even on one’s breasts. Not just this, vibrators can also be used to stimulate a man around his penis or close to his balls. The idea is to stimulate sensitive nerve endings around one’s erogenous zones and enhance pleasure.

Vibrators for women have become quite popular in the Indian market, especially after the release of the movie ‘Veere Di Wedding’ (2018) and web series ‘Lust Stories’ (2018) where the female characters enacted scenes using vibrators for self-pleasure. This was perhaps for the first time in the Indian culture that the use of adult toys was explicitly and candidly portrayed on the cine screen. Since then, vibrators have indeed become the talk of the sex town in India.

Harekrishna’s birthday fundraiser for HelpAge India

For my birthday this year, I’m asking for donations to HelpAge India. I’ve chosen this charity because their mission means a lot to me, and I hope that you’ll consider contributing as a way of celebrating with me. Every little bit will help me reach my goal. I’ve included information about HelpAge India below.

Helpage India aims to serve elder needs in a holistic manner, enabling them to live active, dignified and healthier lives.
HelpAge India is a leading charity in India working with and for disadvantaged elderly for nearly 4 decades. HelpAge advocates for their needs such as for universal pension, quality healthcare, action against elder abuse and many more at a national, state and societal level with Central and State governments. They conduct cataract surgeries to restore sight of elders, looks after their basic needs though its Support-a-Gran program, runs elder helplines across the country, provides relief & rehabilitation for elderly post disasters and provides active-ageing opportunities. They run one of the largest mobile healthcare programs through its Mobile Healthcare Units.

Porn Induced Erectile Dysfunction, Is It Real?

erectile dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is one of those things that affects many couples, and people still don’t talk about it enough. For some it could be a source of embarrassment and confusion, especially because it is associated with aging, illness or hormonal imbalances.

Before getting into this article, remember: a sexual disorder is something that can affect anyone. It is not a ‘failure’ on anyone’s part and it is nothing to be ashamed about! For most people, Erectile Dysfunction (ED) can be treated successfully with a combination of methods, both medical and alternative. But what if we told you that there could be a link between your media consumption and erectile dysfunction? More specifically: could porn be harming your sex life?

What Does the Research Say About Erectile Dysfunction?

While the increase of Erectile Dysfunction in younger populations casts pornography as an obvious culprit, there is still no proven link between porn and sexual dysfunction. Porn is everywhere now. It’s free, it’s available, and it caters to every fetish or fantasy imaginable. So when it comes to porn, does the common-sense approach ‘too much of anything is bad’ hold true?The research is unclear, but what we do know is that porn triggers an instant release of dopamine, also known as our ‘happy hormones’. A quick fix of dopamine! That explains why porn can be so addictive. For many, this addictive nature of porn can direct them to more specific or extreme types of porn to get that desired dopamine hit. As the body gets accustomed to this, a regular sexual experience may no longer feel exciting enough.But erectile dysfunction is not the only issue. Another common issue that could be related to porn is ejaculation control. Those masturbating to porn tend to do so very quickly to avoid being caught. A hasty ‘quickie’ is quite normalized these days. While this may provide quick release, it also trains our bodies to orgasm very quickly, a habit that carries on into our sex life with other people. In fact, premature ejaculation may be far more connected to porn viewing than erectile dysfunction.

Porn and Arousal

ED is rarely a single-cause issue. Health, disease, age, exercise, habits like smoking and drinking, mental health and body image can all affect arousal and sexual health. For many, porn creates a safe atmosphere for arousal; one without fear of judgement or pressure to perform in front of another person. It makes arousal easier. At the same time, this comfort also makes it easier to ignore underlying issues and turn to porn as the only escape. Porn can also make you crave for newer and newer content. But when there is new content, perfect bodies and extremely specific sexual niches readily available online, regular sex with the same partner pales in comparison. Sex with another person can be complicated and messy, sometimes even intimidating. It requires work, communication, trust and vulnerability in a way that watching porn doesn’t. Porn can become an easy way out, at the expense of working on the issues that really matter.If this sounds like you and you suspect that watching porn is affecting your sex life negatively, then here are some questions to think over: Do you only feel like there is a problem during partnered sex? Do you find yourself dependent on porn to masturbate and reach orgasm? What sort of porn are you watching, do you get bored of one type of content and move on to the next quickly? By trying to understand which situations make arousal difficult, it can give you clarity on whether your problem is mental, physical, or a combination of both.

You think you may have a problem: Now what? 

If you feel like porn is seriously affecting your sex life, consider speaking to a professional or a sex therapist. Otherwise, on your own, you could try masturbating without porn. Focus on situations outside of porn that have been arousing, invest more in connecting with your partner and visualizing sex as an extension of that connection. Experience the sensation of touch and maybe don’t even focus on orgasming initially. Get to know your body, even outside of a sexual context: what sort of sights, sounds, tastes and feelings do you enjoy? Deepening your connection with your body in everyday life is bound to be rewarding during sex.

While some groups suggest that porn should be given up altogether, the most practical approach is to enjoy porn in moderation or to watch porn that portrays more realistic sex and bodies. Porn-induced erectile dysfunction is still a debated idea. Overall, most experts agree that there is nothing inherently wrong with masturbation or pornography.

Like with everything else, what matters is how these practices fit into your life and how you relate to them. Health and wellness are complicated, diverse spectrums: there is no singular way to have a healthy sex life. So pay attention to your body, your feelings, pleasure and your individual desires and goals, and ask yourself: is porn helping or harming?

4 natural ways to improve your sexual stamina

‘Sexual stamina’ can mean many different things. It’s often used to describe the length of time that it takes a man to reach orgasm.

But sexual stamina can also refer to physical fitness, or the amount of time that you can spend having sex before you get tired.

Some people also use the phrase ‘sexual stamina’ to talk about their ability to perform in bed, or their ability to satisfy their partner.

How long should sex last?

Studies show that the average time taken for ejaculation to occur during intercourse is 5 and a half minutes, but every couple is different. Some people prefer to take their time, while others prefer it when sex is fast.

Your personal circumstances can also affect the duration of a sexual episode. For example, busy parents may have sex when they have time while a new couple may spend more time in bed together.

If you’re wondering how to increase your sexual stamina, there are things you can try.

How can I improve my sexual stamina?

Young couple doing yoga in living room

Exercise regularly

Recent studies show that regular exercise can protect against a number of sexual problems, and improve erectile function. Regular exercise can also improve your cardiovascular health, improving your overall stamina.

There is also some (limited) evidence to suggest that regular cardiovascular exercise can improve sexual function in both men and women.

The American Heart Association and the UK’s National Health Service both recommend that you try to get at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise every week, or 75 minutes of vigorous activity, but it’s up to you how you break this up.

You don’t have to go to the gym either. Walking, running, cycling or dancing are all good forms of exercise. Less traditional ways of exercising, like pushing a lawnmower or hiking, also count.

But it’s important to do a little bit of strength training every week, which means you’ll need to do something like yoga, pilates or weightlifting to keep your muscles healthy.

Try some pelvic floor exercises

Pelvic floor exercises are designed to strengthen the muscles that surround your bladder, bottom, vagina or penis. Experts think that pelvic floor exercises can improve sexual function and lead to more satisfying sex.

To exercise your pelvic floor, imagine that you’re desperate to pass urine, and contract the muscles that you would use to stop yourself. Hold for as many seconds as you can up to a maximum of 10 seconds, then release and let your muscles relax for 5 seconds.

You can repeat this movement as many times as you like, but it might be best to stick with 10-15 squeezes a day if you are just getting started. You can always add more as your stamina increases. Make sure you don’t overdo it and rest between squeezes.

Man eating a balanced diet

Eat a healthy diet

While there’s no real evidence to support the idea that certain foods can make you last longer in bed, some studies do suggest that a balanced and healthy diet could improve your sexual function by helping you reduce your weight, or maintain a healthy weight.

A better-quality diet can also improve cardiovascular health, which may again help to improve your stamina.

Organisations like the American Heart Association recommend a diet that contains a lot of nutrient-rich foods, including a variety of fruits and vegetables, wholegrain products, low-fat dairy produce, nuts and legumes.

You should also try to avoid foods that contain a lot of sugar, salt or saturated fat.


Masturbating may help you to improve your sexual stamina by teaching you how to control your orgasms, if you experience premature ejaculation. Some women also find that masturbation helps them to work out how to bring themselves to orgasm, which may lead to more enjoyable sex.

Can I take a herbal supplement to increase my stamina?

You may have heard that certain herbal extracts will help you to improve your sexual stamina or last longer in bed.

There are studies which have looked into the idea that some herbal extracts could help to improve sexual function, but there isn’t enough research to justify their use. It’s worth noting that some herbal extracts could have potentially dangerous side effects.

I Try to focus on the safe and healthy methods of increasing your sexual stamina outlined above, and remember that you can talk to a doctor or pharmacist about any concerns or if your symptoms persist.

Sexual arousal in women

During arousal and sex, there are various stages of physical response. Researchers have identified four stages of sexual response in women and men: arousal, plateau, orgasm and resolution. This article describes what happens in a woman’s body when she is sexually aroused.

Stage 1: sexual excitement or arousal

When a woman becomes aroused (turned on), the blood vessels in her genitals dilate. There is increased blood flow in the vaginal walls, which causes fluid to pass through them. This is the main source of lubrication, which makes the vagina wet.

The external genitalia or vulva (including the clitoris, vaginal opening, and inner and outer lips or labia) become engorged (swollen) due to the increased blood supply. Inside the body, the top of the vagina expands.

The pulse and breathing quicken, and blood pressure rises. A woman may become flushed, especially on the chest and neck, due to the blood vessels dilating.

Stage 2: sexual plateau

Blood flow to the lower third of the vagina reaches its limit, and causes the lower area of the vagina to become swollen and firm. This is called the introitus, sometimes known as the orgasmic platform, and undergoes rhythmic contractions during orgasm.

A woman’s breasts may increase in size by up to 25%, and blood flow to the area around the nipple (the areola) increases, making the nipples look less erect.

As a woman gets closer to orgasm, her clitoris pulls back against the pubic bone and seems to disappear. Continuous stimulation is needed in this phase to build up enough sexual excitement for orgasm.

Stage 3: orgasm

Orgasm is the intense and pleasurable release of sexual tension that has built up in the earlier stages, characterised by contractions (0.8 seconds apart) of the genital muscles, including the introitus. Read more here: what is an orgasm?

Most women don’t experience the recovery period that men do after an orgasm. A woman may have another orgasm if she’s stimulated again.

Not all women have an orgasm every time they have sex. For most women, foreplay is an important role in an orgasm occurring. This can include stroking erogenous zones and stimulating the clitoris.

Find out what can cause orgasm problems in women.

Stage 4: sexual resolution

This is when the woman’s body slowly returns to its normal state. Swelling reduces, and breathing and heart rate slow down.

Is masturbation normal?

Masturbation is completely normal and extremely common. People of all ages masturbate and it’s often the first sexual experience they have.

However, not everybody enjoys masturbating and there’s no reason to do it if you don’t want to.

What is masturbation?

Masturbation is when you get sexual pleasure from touching your genitals, usually with your hand. You can masturbate yourself or a partner. Masturbation usually leads to an orgasm.

Generally, men and boys masturbate by rubbing or moving their hand up and down their erect penis. Women and girls may use their fingers or hand to rub the area around their clitoris or vagina.

Many people enjoy masturbating with their partner as part of a healthy sex life and there’s no right or wrong way to masturbate.

Can masturbating cause any health problems?

Masturbation doesn’t cause any harm, either physically or mentally, even if you do it often. Your genitals may feel sore if you masturbate a lot in a short space of time.

If you masturbate with a partner, the risk of passing on or getting a sexually transmitted infection (STI) is low, as long as you don’t pass genital fluids to one another on your fingers or in any other way.

Although people may be embarrassed to talk about masturbating, you shouldn’t feel ashamed of it or guilty about doing it. If you feel the need to masturbate is interfering with your everyday life, talking to a doctor may help.

C# programming

The C# programming language allows you to build applications that employ decision-making logic. Branching logic enables your application to perform different instructions based on a set of conditions.

Suppose you want to display different information to the end user depending on some business rules. For example, what if you want to display a special message on a customer’s bill based on their geographic region? What if you want to give a customer a discount based on the size of their order? Or what if you want to display an employee’s title based on their level in the company. In each case, you would need to add decision logic.

By the end of this module, you’ll be able to write code that can change the flow of your code’s execution based on some criteria.

This is one of the most exciting modules because it opens a new world of branching code, allowing your applications to do more interesting things.

Microsoft Learn

Microsoft Learn provides self-paced, digital learning resources to build skills and a foundational understanding of technology. Microsoft Learn provides resources to complement existing institution courseware and study materials to best prepare students for in-demand jobs and Microsoft industry-recognized certifications. Microsoft Learn provides step-by-step, bite-sized tutorials and engaging modules that are available online and support learners with technology proficiency ranging from beginners to advanced learners. The learning paths have interactive sandbox environments to provide “hands-on” interactions with Microsoft technologies. Learners can create a profile on Microsoft Learn to access additional features such as collections, track progress on learning activities and view personalized recommendations.